"The best defense is a good offense" is a saying that’s applied to a variety of fields. It’s also a great way to think about being proactive when endeavoring to protect your unique brand from counterfeiters.
When we think about fraud prevention services in 2017, it may be difficult for a brand pioneer to figure out just how that would work.
After all, if you have a good product or service, you want to get it out there. You need to specify to folks with a need just how your brand can fix it. Fraud is something that can happen to anyone -- whether a brand owner’s product is well-established or it’s a rising star filling a niche need. The crux of the matter rests on the fact that:
Counterfeiters won’t want to commit fraud on brands that have a successful history of proactively tracking and prosecuting counterfeit cases.
With that said, a question lingers – what resources will be advantageous to acquire for your fraud prevention services in 2017?
Fraud Prevention Services
Here are some resources to consider when putting together a good offense for the best defense:
- Team management and empowerment: There are a variety of folks that can help you successfully execute case management against fraud, including vendors, clients, subject matter experts, and most importantly, team members within the company,. Each can help you with generating leads and follow through on important issues that may prove fraudulent activity against your brand. A resource that helps you grant access and assign tasks can greatly streamline processes.
- Files and notes organizer: How much time is wasted throughout the work week due to disorganization? Minimizing time waste can prove to be a huge step forward when trying to boost your brand’s fraud prevention measures. An organizer that can help you store reports, updates and other helpful communications in an intuitive format with user and time stamps on each entry will streamline a team’s efforts when investigating fraud.
- Hub for updates: Usually, where there is one case involving fraudulent activity, there are many. After you’ve received and started tracking these leads, it’s so important for managers to know what’s happening. A place to receive regular updates on what’s occurring with each lead will enable quicker and better management decisions.
- A streamlined workflow system: While fraudsters may be taking advantage of your brand, how are your preventative measures keeping up? Every company has its own culture and its own way of doing things, including when executing measures to protect a brand. Putting together the right workflow -- complete with having created departments, user groups, user permissions, status options, drop down list options, case classification rules and more -- can have you seeing faster results.
- All-in-one resource: Just as having your workflows, team management, notes, files and updates in order is important, so too is having your fraud prevention resources combined into one, easy to use resource. You want to make sure all efforts are being pulled in the right direction, and that’s what brand protectors get with Scout’s investigation case management software. Whereas multiple resources can assist your efforts in a number of ways, our software ensures a central location where all work and resources are maximized.
Once you’ve come to the decision that, yes, it’s time to take a brand’s fraud prevention to the next level, it’s important to know that your solution will have the desired result.
For more ways to be proactive with fraud prevention and brand protection, feel free to contact us at any time.