I think its important to look at the big picture, whether you're creating new operations that are Web-Based or looking for a way to enhance existing Spread-Sheet operations, either way its beneficial to look at the long-term strategy. Centralizing your data operations is the most effective way to achieve your data driven goals while maintaining efficiency.
Let’s start with efficiency. If you interface with these data sets for your daily operations, its an easy argument that one would prefer a single sign on to access this information instead of logging into multiple different data systems. Time is saved by eliminating redundant data and duplicate processes. Time is also saved by streamlining data into one location, via digital automation or one stop shop data submissions. Another benefit of working within one data system is a standard training method. You ultimately reduce the number of moves made by your employees in several different systems. By simplifying your operations, your communications become clear, leading to less human error and more time for being productive.
In terms of data optimization and impact, centralizing your data will provide a foundation for easy navigation, giving you the flexibility to achieve your output goals at a very granular level. The ability to query and identify trends that influence crucial business decisions will build the largest return on investment in the long run. This is a requirement that is difficult to execute across many different data houses.
Centralizing your data will increase efficiency by simplifying your operations and give you control of your output, assisting you with your data-backed decisions.