Expand and improve potential counterfeit lead generation with FākR

FakR Product Screenshot

FākR is an anti-counterfeit technology program that works in conjunction with Scout Case Management System.

These two programs work in synergy to collect information on knockoffs and fake products. This helps companies organize their counterfeit products leads and better build a case against fake merchandise.

According to the International Anti Counterfeiting Coalition there were 23,140 Intellectual Property Rights related seizures in 2014 alone. The value of the goods seized totaled $1.22 billion. This is for one year alone- imagine how much money could be lost within a matter of five years.

With FākR anti counterfeit technology, there is an easy way to compile information about counterfeit merchandise and build a case against those who are creating the knockoffs. Lead submission and review just got a lot simpler for those that need to launch a counterfeit investigation quickly and efficiently. 

By using anti-counterfeiting measures such as FākR, employees, vendors, and retailers alike can report instances of counterfeiting and crack down on the phonies and fakes.

FākR Anti-Counterfeit Technology

There are a number of advantages that FākR can bring to the table. Anyone who is registered for a particular brand can be used to create leads. They can easily share pictures of the counterfeit goods, share important details about the suspects, and help you better organize your case.

This two-way communication portal allows you to talk to your leads and ask them questions to fill in any blanks. Available for both Android and iOS operating systems, this app is available for a majority of mobile devices.

When you need to protect your brand, you must have a way to manage leads and efficiently turn those leads into actions. When users find something that could be a fake, they can easily send you the information, pictures, and the location of the fakes, which will get sent directly into Scout CMS.

Along with easy communication, FākR also offers push notifications, reminders, alerts and the ability to give an immediate response. If you’re looking to improve efficiency and flow of information between yourself and team members, you've come to the right place. FākR’s anti counterfeiting technology will optimize your performance as a team and protect your brand.

If you are looking to improve the overall efficiency of your counterfeit investigations, get reliable leads and organize them quickly, give FākR a try today. Request a demo

FākR and Scout

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